Meter Information


METER/METER BOXES - Most meter boxes are located near the street or where the main water line runs. The box is typically in a direct line with the main outside faucet. It is housed in a water meter box. It is important to know that, as customers, you should NOT remove the cover of the meter box at anytime. Any damage to the meter or the meter box is the customer's responsibility. If our operators are checking meters and find that a customer's meter/meter box has been damaged, it is the responsibility of the customer to pay for the replacement of any damaged equipment. 

METER ACCESS - The customer must provide a free and accessible area to read the water meter. If the meter operator is unable to read the meter due to debris of any kind, vehicle parked on meter, etc., a service charge will be applied to the customer's bill. If a vehicle must be towed by the Reddell-Vidrine Water District in order to read, repair, lock, or remove a meter, the customer will be responsible for all charges incurred. 

CHECK VALVE/CUT OFF VALVES - Customers are required to install a CHECK VALVE and CUT-OFF VALVE on their side of their meter outside the meter box. This prevents water from backing out of your hot water tank and prevents water from backing into the Reddell-Vidrine Water District system lines. All customers are required to install a cut-off valve on their side of the meter to avoid the operators having to come out to cut water off for any repairs customers might be making. It is very time consuming on RVWD operators to have to come out to cut water off for personal repairs. If for any reason RVWD is called to cut water off because a customer did not install a cut-off valve, there will be a $50 charge. 

LEAK ADJUSTMENT - There will be NO ADJUSTMENT to a water bill for a leak that occurs on the customer's side of the meter. All water which has passed through the water meter shall be purchased by the customer who is responsible for the monthly bill. Customers are responsibile for keeping their pipes and all other plumbing repairs in proper working condition. RVWD's operators are NOT responsible for locating leaks on the customer's side of the meter. 

Tesla Meter Tesla Meter

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